Dr. Philip Fisher, Diana Chen Professor of Early Childhood Learning in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, conducted a hybrid seminar on the topic: FIND Video Coaching for Home and Early Care/Education Settings: Program Details, Evidence of Impact, and the Use of AI/ML to Enhance Scalability, on December 18, 2024. Please find more […]
分類: 講座
來自慶應義塾大學的Akiko Hayashi教授於 2024 年 11 月到訪港大教育學院,並為我們帶來了兩場精彩的講座。讓我們透過海報和照片來回顧本次活動的精彩瞬間!
Dr. Kimberley Kong from Universiti Sains Malaysia delivered a talk on the topic: Early Learning and Development in Refugee Children: The Impact of Early Childhood Education Access, on November 19, 2024. Please find more information in the poster and photos below.
The Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong organized the Knowledge Fair on supporting children’s learning Journey through home and school education on April 13, 2024. Prof Rui Yang, the Dean of Education, gave opening remarks. Prof Carrie Lau and Dr Rhoda Wang shared strategies and activities for enhancing children’s literacy and numeracy
Professor Judith Semon Dubas from Utrecht University visited the Faculty from April 7 to 14, 2024, under the Faculty Visitor Scheme. During this visit, Professor Dubas gave two seminars and a workshop. Please see the posters and gallery photos below to capture the glitz and glamour of the events! Seminar 1: Between- and Within-family Differences