CORE members attended the 76th OMEP World Assembly and Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, and organized a thematic paper symposium on July 19, 2024, entitled Measuring China’s Progress towards Sustainable Developmental Goal Targets Related to Early Childhood Development and Education. Professor Nirmala Rao was the chair of this symposium, and CORE members presented four paper […]
作者: CORE
From June 16 to 20, 2024, CORE Members attended the ISSBD 27th Biennial Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. The team presented a total of 12 papers/posters at the conference. Please find detailed presentation information below. Stephanie Chan, Zeyi Li, & Nirmala Rao Type: Paper symposium Title: Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Chinese Preschoolers’
Prof Nirmala Rao will participate in a panel at the Webinar held by the Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University. The webinar will be held at 8:30 p.m. Hong Kong time (6:00 p.m. IST / 8:30 a.m. EST) on April 18, 2024. Please find more information in the poster below and scan
The Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong organized the Knowledge Fair on supporting children’s learning Journey through home and school education on April 13, 2024. Prof Rui Yang, the Dean of Education, gave opening remarks. Prof Carrie Lau and Dr Rhoda Wang shared strategies and activities for enhancing children’s literacy and numeracy
Professor Judith Semon Dubas from Utrecht University visited the Faculty from April 7 to 14, 2024, under the Faculty Visitor Scheme. During this visit, Professor Dubas gave two seminars and a workshop. Please see the posters and gallery photos below to capture the glitz and glamour of the events! Seminar 1: Between- and Within-family Differences
太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)(PECERA Hong Kong)的Lydia Chan博士和Rainlla Chan女士于2023年12月訪問了CORE。在年末之際,我們很高興能交流我們令人興奮的工作和舉措。我們期待著接下來的合作。
12 月 6 日至 12 月 8 日,Nirmala Rao 教授和博士生GONG Jing (Joann )參加了在澳大利亞悉尼舉行的第 12 屆 OMEP 亞太會議。本次會議的主題是 "回顧過去,展望未來:在亞太地區推進聯合國可持續發展目標"。 會議吸引了來自10多個OMEP成員國/地區的200多名代表參加。
A new article about the Bachelor of Education in (Early Childhood Education and Special Education) [BEd(ECE&SE)] programme was published in the HKU Bulletin in Volume 25 No. 1, November 2023. Dr Diana Lee introduced the BEd(ECE&SE) programme comprehensively. For more details, please see the original article on the HKU Bulletin website by clicking the button
Professor Nirmala Rao, delivered a keynote speech entitled Nourishing Young Minds: Measuring the Influence of Preschools and Homes, at the 2023 SEED (Study of Early Education and Development) Conference on Nov. 4. She shared the impact of preschools and families on children’s development in different cultures, compared preschool quality assessment programs in different regions, and