– CORE Members Presented at the 76th OMEP World Assembly and Conference

CORE members attended the 76th OMEP World Assembly and Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, and organized a thematic paper symposium on July 19, 2024, entitled Measuring China’s Progress towards Sustainable Developmental Goal Targets Related to Early Childhood Development and Education.


Professor Nirmala Rao was the chair of this symposium, and CORE members presented four paper presentations. International scholars and practitioners were attracted to the venue, and we appreciated the fruitful discussions at the symposium.


  • Stephanie W. Y. Chan, Zeyi Li, Nirmala Rao

    Measuring Progress Towards Sustainable Developmental Goal Target 4.2.1: Comparing Caregiver Report and Direct Assessment

  • Zeyi Li and Nirmala Rao

    Measuring Participation in Early Childhood Education Programmes in China: Progress and Challenges

  • Jing Gong and Hechunzi Wang

    Young Children’s Experiences of the Early Home Learning Environment in China

  • Shuyang Dong and Nirmala Rao

    The Double Burden of Malnutrition Among Young Chinese Children