Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Development and Education (CORE)


Prof RAO, Nirmala


Miss BALA, Manya
Project Information
Early Childhood Care and Education: Landscape Review 2010-2022, highlights efforts that have been exerted to enhance ECCE and considers the reasons for the less than optimal progress in achieving universal and equitable access to high-quality ECCE.
On the other hand, it portrays noteworthy practices that can be scaled up across contexts. The report pinpoints facilitators of effective, efficient, and sustainable ECCE systems. It advances critical actions required for accelerating progress on targets associated with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 4.2 – ‘to ensure all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education’.
This report is divided into two parts. Part I underscores the importance of investing in the early years of development and provides an overview of the factors that influence ECCE. It notes the diversity across and within countries in access to ECCE and the role of the state in the provision, financing and regulation of ECCE services, and the ECCE workforce. Part I also considers the broader influences of culture, sociodemographic factors, technological advancement, and the COVID-19 pandemic on ECCE. Part II describes noteworthy ECCE policies and practices from around the world. It distils take-home messages to accelerate progress in promoting high-quality and inclusive ECCE across country contexts.
Publications and News
- Rao, N., Yang, Y., & Bala, M. (2024). Early Childhood Care and Education: Landscape Review 2010-2022 (pp.107). UNESCO Paris.